1. Short title
2. Objects of Act
3. Definitions
4. Act binds Crown
5. Offences
1. Short Title
This Act may be cited as the Annoying Persons Act 2022 and shall come into operation on the nineteenth day of October 2022
2. Objects of Act
To enact in The State provisions to prevent and to penalize annoying persons carrying out annoying acts or annoying conduct in public or public places
PART 1 Introductory Matters
3. Definitions
In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears words will be taken to mean their normal everyday meaning.
In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears
“abnormality of mind” means abnormality of mind arising from a condition of arrested or retarded development of mind or inherent causes or induced by disease, illness or injury.
“act”, in relation to an accused person, means the deed alleged to have been done by him, or her. it is not limited to bodily movement and it includes the deed of another caused, induced or adopted by him or her and done pursuant to a common intention.
“adult” means a person of or over the age of 18 years
‘ annoying’ means bothersome, irritating, vexatious, exasperating or infuriating
“politician” means annoying
“annoying adult” means any adult engaging in annoying conduct
“Conduct” means the manner in which a person behaves, especially in a particular place or situation. Conduct can include an act, an omission to perform an act or a state of affairs.
“child” means a person who is under twelve years of age
“annoying child” means any person who is under twelve years of age engaging in annoying conduct..
“teenager’ means any person between 13 and 19 years of age
“annoying teenager” means any teenager engaging in annoying conduct
“person” means and adult, child or teenager
“people’ means the plural of person or persons
“public place” means any place where the public has access
“public” means done, perceived, or existing in open view
“rude’ means impolite, discourteous, impertinent, insolent, impudent, cheeky, audacious, presumptuous, uncivil, disrespectful, unmannerly, ill-bred, churlish, crass, curt, brusque, blunt, ungracious, graceless, brash, unpleasant, disagreeable, offhand
“trial” includes a proceeding upon a plea of guilty.
“too loud’ means at a sound level above 85 decibels
“unlawful” or unlawfully means without authorization, justification or excuse.
Part 5 Annoying acts or conduct offences:
1. Personal Hygiene Offences
2. Communication & Sound Pollution Offences
3. Bad and Offensive Manners Offences
4. Personality Offences
To be continued….